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THE CORPORATION C~ THE (30LTNrY OF ESSEX <br /> <br /> BY-LAW #2634 <br /> <br /> A BY-LAW TO kMt~ID BY-LAW ~2500, A BY-LAW TO PROVIEE RUTES GOVERNING <br />THE ORDER AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE COURCIL OF THE CORPOPJITIC~ CF THE COUNTY <br /> OF ESSEX, TFiE CIDNDUCT OF ITS M~IMBERS AND CALLING OF Y~]~TINC~. <br /> <br /> WtR~IFAS, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Essex has <br />adopted a By-law which sets out ~lles of Qrder and Proceedings f~r Oouncil <br />meetir~s; <br /> <br /> AND WHEREAS, it is necessary from time to time to amend such N~les of <br />Order and Proceedings to reflect the wishes of the Council of the day; <br /> <br /> THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that By-law #2500 is hereby amerced in Section <br />28, as attached, to negate %he requir~nent that meetings of the Rpad Cu~uJttee <br />and the Sun Parlor Home Conraittee be held during regular sessions of County <br />~ouncil except on an "as necessary" basis. <br /> <br />MEETINGS CF ODUNCIL <br /> <br />1. The inaugural session of Council in each year shall he held on the <br />2nd Tuesday of December at the hour of 8:00 p.m. o'clock. <br /> <br />2. Sessions of Council shall be held in the Oouncil Chambers at the <br />Essex County Civic and Education Centre, Essex, (latario, unless otherwise <br />decided by a vote of Council. <br /> <br />3. Regular sessions of Council will be held every third ~dnesday, <br />co~raencing the Wednesday of the next week followin~ the inaugural session. <br />Special Sessions of (1Duncil may be sumnoned at the call of the W~rden if <br />de~ned necessary. <br /> <br />4. Regular sessions of Council will cc~raence at the hour of 7:00 p.m. <br />o'clock arJ will adjourn at the hour of 11:00 p.m. o'clock. However, if <br />Council should dean it necessary to meet beyond the hour of ourfew, then a <br />resolution to proceed and finalize the business items on the agenda is in <br />order. <br /> <br />5. In the absence of the Warden (or the Presiding Officer as appointed) <br />or in the case where the Office of Warde~ is vacant, a special session may <br />be ~ned by the Clerk upon a requisition, in writing, signed by a <br />majority of the m~nbers of Council, bein~ received in his office statin3 the <br />date, time and place of the requested session. <br /> <br />OPENING PROCEEDINGS <br /> <br />6. As soon after the hour of meeting as there shall be a quorum present, <br />the Warden shall take the chair an~ call the members to order. <br /> <br /> <br />