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-T6 <br />A by-law tin Close parts of SUW't left tm(1'4 *l Vtr't'ets in the town plot of Col- <br />chester,,, be and the same is hereby cnnfirmed and ad"d. <br />(Signed,) )u H N1 C. I LRK Warden. <br />• ( Signed,) THOS. McKEE, Clerk. <br />BY -LAW No. 2S5. <br />A Bl' -LAW TO PROVIDE ANT) LEVY THE SUM OF ONE HIfNt ►itro DOLLARS <br />1'oAi'AR1►S THE COUNTY MODEL SCHOOL, IN THE COUNTY OF <br />Passed jWW 1311h 18796 <br />%Vlie.reAs, it is necessary and expedient to provide and levy the styrrr� of one <br />hundred dollars towards the County Model School, in the County of 1F:ssex; <br />Be it therefore enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of <br />Essex, in Council assembled, under and by virtue of chapter 204 of the Revised <br />Statutes of Ontario, that the sum of one hundred dollars be paid rowratfs Ae <br />County Model School, in the County of Essex, for the current year; <br />And be it further enacted that the said sum be paid to the Secretary of the <br />School Board within whose jurisdiction such model school is situated ; and that <br />the Warden is hereby authorized to sign warrants upon the Treasurer of the <br />said county for the payment of the same. <br />(Signed,) JOHN C. ILER, Warden. <br />(Signed,) 'THOS. MCKEE, Clerk. <br />BY -LAW No. 25& <br />A BY -LAW TO PROVIDE AND LEVY THE SUM OF ONE HUNDRED MLLARs <br />• TOWARD THE INSTITUTES OF TF.ACHF.RS IN THE NOR'T'H AND SOUTH Rm'. <br />INGS OF THE COUNTY OF ESSEX: <br />Passed June 13, 1879, <br />Whereas, it is.necessary and expedient to provide and levy the sum of one <br />hundred dollars towards the institutes of teachers in the North and South Rid. <br />ings of the County of Essex, <br />Be it therefore enacted by the Council of the corporation of the County of <br />Essex, under and by virtue of chapter 204 of the Revised Statutes of Ontariu, <br />that the sum of one hundred dollars be paid toward the institutes of teachers in <br />the Notch and.South Ridings of the County of Essex, for the current year in <br />manner following, that is to say, fifty dollars to the North Riding, and the Barite <br />sum to the South Riding <br />And be it further enacted that the said sutras be paid to the InspeCtor, of <br />Schools for the said Ridings ; and the Warden is hereby authorized to sign Wa <br />rants upon the Treasurer of the said County for the payment of the Vie. <br />(Signed,) JOHN C. ILER, Warden. <br />(Signed,) THUS. McKEE, Clerk. <br />BY -LAW No. 257- <br />A BY -,LAW TO PROVIDE FOR 'rHF: CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE COUNI•y OF <br />ESSEX FOR 'i'HE YEAR 1879. to provide Passed jute 13� 187% <br />of theeCount it <br />of Essex ac ordin to thle estimate of he Finance cow fit.. <br />And whereas, for the purpose of raising the said sum of $14,849 ►Twill <br />quire a rate of two mills in the dollar upon all rateable property in the i; +a! <br />County of Essex ; <br />Be it therefore enacted by the corporation of the County of Essex in Coun,il <br />assembled, and it is hereby nacted b the authority of the same, that <br />shall be raised, levied and collected a rate of two mills in the dollar 11 thete <br />rateable property in the said County of Essex? for the purpose of raisin tt 311 <br />sum of $14,849, in addition to the other rates and assessments for anflt,liisaid <br />the present year for the general expenses of the current year; n <br />And be it further enacted that the sum of one dollar and fifty rettts be <br />to each and every grand acid petit juror for each day's attendance at any CPa fl <br />t of Assim, Nisi P of the Peace, and Count. Court <br />