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I1 <br />APPENDIX M. <br />To the Ni 4t Honorable /Part Du, jferin, (io^, �ernnr- General of Camutfs, &-e., &-c., <br />JW (;OINCil. <br />The petition of the Warden, Reeves and Deputy Reeves of the Ceenty of <br />Essex, in the Province of Ontario, respectfully sheweth. <br />That the farmers of the said county of F.ssex are materially injured by the <br />competition caused by the importation of agricultural products into this Province <br />from the United States, while they are debarred from the United States mar- <br />kets by the heavy duties existing in that country upon such products ; there- <br />fore your petitioners resperAfully pray that Your excellency would be pleased to <br />cause such a revision of the Canadian tariff as may enable the agricultural pro- <br />ducers of this Province, and of the Dominion, to compete successfully with <br />the neighboring nation ; and that such other revision of the tariff be effected as <br />shall, without being prohibitory in its character, encourage the languishing in. <br />dustries of the country. <br />And your petitioners will ever pray. <br />BY -LAW No. rj& <br />To provide for the remuneration of the .lfewbers of the County Council /or lAreir <br />attendance in Council, and for other firerposes thereat mentioned. <br />Passed January aq, 1878. <br />Whereas, it is necessary and expedient tcf provide for the remuneration of <br />the members of the County Council for their attendance in council or on com- <br />mittee of said Council : <br />Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the County of Essex in <br />council assembled, under and by virtue of the Municipal Act of Ontario, and <br />A is hereby enacted, under the authority of the same, that each and every mem- <br />ber of the Council of the County of Essex shall be entitled to receive the sum <br />of three dollars ($3.00) for each day's_ attendance in council or in committee <br />named and appointed by the said council, and the further sum of five cents per <br />mile necessarily traveled by each member of the council or of said committee <br />to and from the place of meeting of the said council or committee, and the <br />Treasurer of the County of Essex is hereby authorized to pay the said sums <br />to the members of the said council or committee. <br />(Signed,) J. C. FATTERSON, Warden. <br />(signed) THOS. MCKEE, Clerk. <br />BY -LAW No. 236. <br />.1 By.Lerw to .,hroslide fe,r the appOinintent of two Auditors to aet ul th the <br />C'Ita rna n r f the General .S *essions e f the Peace aJ is Board e f , t u&l. <br />Passed January =4, 1878. <br />Whereas, by the Municipal .pct of (.Ontario, the County Council of each <br />county is requested to appoint annually two persons, one of whom may be a% <br />member of the Council, to assist the Chairman in audltin., the accounts of the <br />Court of General Sessions of the Peace, or of Oyer and Teruiiner and General <br />haul Delivery: <br />lk it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the <br />County of Essex, in council assembled, that James C. Patterson, one of the <br />members of this Council, and '1'honias \lc lee, be and are hereby ainted to <br />the said Board of Audit, and that the said parties shall be paid five dppoollar, for <br />each day's attendance at such audit, and the further sum of five cents per mile <br />necessarily travelled by the hnenlbers of such Board of audit, to and front the <br />Wace of meeting of the said Board, and the Warden is hereby authorized to <br />mien %%avant:, for the same. <br />(Signed,) J. c. twl'TERSt.ON, Warden. <br />(Signed,) 'THUS. 4LcKEE, Clerk. <br />w <br />