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Name Page count Volume name Template name
1271-58 ApntCntyRdCommittee[Icon] 1 DEFAULT000002 C - Council, Boards and By-laws
1272-58 ApntSunParlorCommittee[Icon] 1 DEFAULT000002 C - Council, Boards and By-laws
1272-58-Appointment of County Rd Committee[Icon] 2 DEFAULT000007
1272-58-Appointment of Members to the Home for the Aged Committee[Icon] 2 DEFAULT000007
1273-58 RaiseALoanCntyRoads[Icon] 1 DEFAULT000002 C - Council, Boards and By-laws
1273-58-Raise Loan to Meet Current Expenditures for RDS[Icon] 2 DEFAULT000007
1274-58 RaiseALoan[Icon] 1 DEFAULT000002 C - Council, Boards and By-laws
1274-58-Raise Loan to Meet Expenditures[Icon] 2 DEFAULT000007
1275-58 ApntMembersAuditBoard[Icon] 2 DEFAULT000002 C - Council, Boards and By-laws
1275-58-Appointment of Members to Board of Audit[Icon] 1 DEFAULT000007
1276-58 LegalizeGrantsofMoneys[Icon] 2 DEFAULT000002 C - Council, Boards and By-laws
1276-58-Confirm & Legalize all Grants[Icon] 3 DEFAULT000007
1277-58-Confirm an Equalization of Assessment[Icon] 2 DEFAULT000007
1278-58-Expenditures on Rds for Highway Improvement Act[Icon] 2 DEFAULT000007
1278A-58 ProvideMoneyForCntyRds[Icon] 2 DEFAULT000002 C - Council, Boards and By-laws
1280-58 LevyCountyRates[Icon] 2 DEFAULT000002 C - Council, Boards and By-laws
1280-58-Levy County of Essex Raise to Provide for Highway Improvement Act[Icon] 1 DEFAULT000007
1281-58 StenogrpaherForClerk[Icon] 4 DEFAULT000002 C - Council, Boards and By-laws
1281-58-Appointment of Stenographyer for Clerk's Office[Icon] 1 DEFAULT000007
1282-58 ApntCaretaker[Icon] 1 DEFAULT000002 C - Council, Boards and By-laws
1282-58-Appointment of Caretaker for Essex Registry Office Bulding[Icon] 2 DEFAULT000007
1283-58 Amend bylaw 1015[Icon] 1 DEFAULT000002 C - Council, Boards and By-laws
1283-58-Amendment of ByLaw 1015[Icon] 2 DEFAULT000007
1284-58 Amend bylaw 1047[Icon] 1 DEFAULT000002 C - Council, Boards and By-laws
1284-58-Amendment of ByLaw 1047[Icon] 10 DEFAULT000007
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