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<br />THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ESSEX <br /> <br />BY-LAW NUMBER 10-2009 <br /> <br />BEING A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF <br />THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE <br />COUNTY OF ESSEX <br /> <br />WHEREAS under Sectioll 5(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, 8.0.. 2001, c.25 as <br />amended, tlle powers of a 111Ullicipality sIlall be exercised by its COllncil; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS tmder Sectioll 5(3) of tIle Munici]Jal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 as <br />amended, a lTIlmicipal power, illCllldil1g a mllllicipality's capacity, rigllts, powers and <br />privileges under Section 8 of tIle Municipal Act, 2001, 8.0.2001, c.25 as anlended, sllall <br />be exercised by by-law ullIess the l11unicipality is specifically autIlorized to do otllerwise.; <br />al1d; <br /> <br />WHEREAS it is deen1ed expediellt that tIle proceedings of tIle Council of TIle <br />Corporatioll of Essex at tllis Session be confirnled and adopted by by-law. <br /> <br />NOW THEREFORE the COlll1cil of TIle Corporation of tIle COllllty of Essex <br />enacts as follows: <br /> <br />1. THAT tIle actions of tIle COUIICil of TIle Corporatioll of tIle COllnty of Essex <br />in respect of all recolnmendations in reports of cOlnmittees, alllI1otions and <br />resoIlltions aIId all other action passed and talcell by tIle Council of TIle <br />Corporation of tIle COllnty of Essex, documellts and transactions entered illtO <br />durillg tIle January 21 5t, 2009, Reglllar Sessiol1 of COl1l1Cil, are l1ereby adopted <br />al1d cOllfirl11ed, as if tIle SaIl1e were expressly elnbodied ill tIlis By-law. <br /> <br />2. THAT tIle Wardell a.tld proper officials of Ille Corporation of tIle COUllty of <br />Essex are llereby alltllorized and directed to do all tIle tllings llecessary to give <br />effect to the action of tIle COllncil of TIle Corporatioll of tIle COUllty of Essex <br />during tIle said January 21 st, 2009, Regular Session refen-ed to in Section 1 of <br />tllis By-law. <br /> <br />3 . THAT tIle Wardell and tile ClerIc are l1ereby autllorized mld directed to <br />execute all dOCllll1ents l1ecessary to tlle action taken by tllis Council as <br />described in Section 1 of this By-law and to affix tl1e Corporate Seal of TIle <br />Corporation of tIle COllnty of Essex to all dOCllll1ents referred to in said <br />Section 1. <br />