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BY -LAW NV. $80 <br />j By -law to answ u a certain road in the Township y 00*14 in the Cossestp of Ewan. <br />Passed June 164h, IM <br />WHEREAS the Municipality of the Township of Glostleld bas, by Bylaw <br />Mwd the 28th day of May, 1881, given its assent to the assuming of the road <br />eremafter described by the corporation of the County of Essex w a county road, <br />ad it is now desirable and expedient that the same should be so assumed as a <br />oocnty mad: <br />Be it therefore enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of <br />Brea, in Council assembled, and it is hereby enacted, that all that portion o! <br />the Ooveramentor original allowance for road, as also the road through the centre <br />of Lot No. 272, South Talbot Road west, comprising all gad singular that certain <br />Mmel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of <br />Goafield aforesaid, composed of the original, allowance for road situate between <br />Lots Nos. 15 end 16 in the let concession, Lobe lettered F and G in the 2nd and <br />!td concessions, Lots Nos. 6 and 7 in the 4th, 5th and 6th eonoessions, Lots Nos. <br />land 8 in the 7tb and 8th concessions, as also the road through the centre of <br />Lot No. 272, South Talbot Road west, of the said Municipality of Goefield, and <br />which is more partioularly described as follows, that is to say: Comnk"ng at <br />Late Erie in the said Township, between Lots Nos. 15 and 16 on the allowance <br />for mad, and being one chain wide; thence north along the allowance for road <br />between said Lots Nos. 15 and 16 in the let concession, west division, to the <br />allowance for road between the let and 2nd concessions, west division; thence <br />salt along said allowance for road to the allowance for road between Lots letter. <br />ad F and f3; thence north along the allowance for road between Lots lettered F <br />and G to the allowance for road between the 3rd and 4th eonoeesiona ; thence <br />vast along said allowance for road t:) the aUowanoe for road between Lots Nos. <br />8 and 7; thence north along the allowance for road between Lots Nos. 6 and 7 <br />to the allowance for road between the 6th and 7th concessions; thence east <br />along the said allowance for road to the allowance for road between Lots Nos. 7 <br />and 8; thence north along the said allowance for road betweea Lots Nos. 7 and <br />8 to the allowance for road in the rear of Lot No. 878, South Talbot Road wed; <br />thence north-east through the contre of the said Lot three- gnartarr chain wide <br />to the Talbot Road west, the said road being known are the western Division <br />Road, be and the same is hereby assumed as a County Road of the said Coasttsy <br />of Essex, for the only. ce of expending thereon the County appropriation. and <br />P� <br />(9icned), TH08. McBEE, (Sigued), (1E0. RUSSELL, <br />Clerk. Warden. <br />BY-LAW Noe S9. <br />BY.lan to provide and levy the sum of 1100 towards the Institsstes of Tea ohere in <br />the North and South Itidings of the County of Essex. <br />Passed June 16th, 1881. <br />WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to provide and levy the sum of <br />1100 tuwarAls the Institutes of Teachers in the North and South Ridings of the <br />Cuuntl of Este=. <br />Be it therefore enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the County of <br />4"et, undrr and by virtue of Chapter 204 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, <br />thatths sum of 0100 be paid towards the Iustitates of Teachers in the Nurth <br />